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School Of Sanctuary - Ysgol Noddfa

We all have a part to play in building a welcoming and inclusive society.

We at Grangetown Primary are  part of a  national network of over 300 primary and secondary schools all committed to creating a culture of welcome and inclusion for refugees and people seeking asylum.

Driven by teachers, school staff, parents, governors and community groups, this network supports the thousands of young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, raises awareness of the issues facing people in the asylum system, challenges misconceptions and builds social cohesion.⁣

Grangetown Primary is working towards re recognition in 2025, to stay a part of the School of Sanctuary Network as we wish to prove our commitment to our pupils and families from diverse backgrounds, including asylum seeking and refugee families.

UN RIGHTS of a Child:-

Article 22 You have the right to special protection and help if you are a refugee (if you have been forced to leave your home and live in another country), as well as all the rights in this Convention.

Article 19 You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind.

Article 4 The government has a responsibility to make sure your rights are protected. They must help your family to protect your rights and create an environment where you can grow and reach your potential.

For help and support, you can contact Oasis Cardiff or the Welsh Refugee Council.

  • Oasis Cardiff
  • At Grangetown Primary, we are committed to helping refugee and asylum seeker families. We have annually donated food to help feed those in need. We also sponsored events to raise funds for the charity. during Refugee Week.
  • Sherman Theatre-  Asylum Seeking families can benefit from watching performances at a discounted rate as part of Sherman 5. Please ask Miss Thompson for further details.
  • Refugee week 2025 -June 16th- 22nd. The theme this year is 'Community as a Superpower'.
  • Any parents  that are asylum seekers of refugees experiencing difficulty can speak with Mrs Chase, the head teacher, Mrs Herbert the deputy head, Miss Thompson or Mrs Sajid.